She's so cool she gives out model tips on Twitter, thats how cool...
check the tips she left 84STYLEZ on twitter. Follow her ppl the model is super cool. I started following her after Beyonce(hope it was really her) put her on, in one of her tweets.
I love, love ANTM, good luck Ms Saleisha
okay, one another note singer Monica Arnold has a show on BET called, STILL STANDING (that I didnt get to blog about, I was sick), she is very open with her feelings, to say the least she cried on her show. To me that means a lot. Many women or "women" should I say do not like to show tears. I am sure Monica has a hard side with the tattoos and all but, she shows her sweeter, mommy, wifey side. I like it, I commend BET for showing Monica in a positive light. Plus her boys are sooooooo cute!
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